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Huawei ap reboot command

When the system needs to roll back to the backup system software, you can run the startup system-software backup command to specify the backup system software as the next startup system software and restart the device to complete the rollback. 在一般 This command functions in the same way as a power recycle operation (power off and then restart the device). Fat AP and Cloud AP V200R021C10 Command Reference. Support Documentation WLAN AC AirEngine 9700 Reference Guides Command Reference Generally, running the save configuration-file command does not affect the current startup configuration file. Info: system is sync data now, please wait 当出现该提示信息时,表示设备内部正在进行数据同步操作。. Cloud products, solutions & services The AP's MAC address must exist. Exercise caution when you use the restart command. 执行命令 rebootfast 后,系统会提示如下信息:. Each command in views has a specified level. Item. Precautions The iot-card reboot command resets an IoT card of an AP. Automatic recovery. The undo ap-keep-online self-healing-reset command restores the default time threshold for an AP to restart for self-healing. Configuring System Startup Commands. Example # Reset an IoT card on the USB interface of the AP. IP configurations of interfaces that have IP addresses. Restart the device immediately after configuration: The device restarts immediately after the reboot command is run. When an interface is not connected to a cable or fiber, you can use the shutdown command to disable the interface to prevent exceptions caused by interference. Run the reboot or the schedule reboot command to restart the device. Restart the AP by powering off and then powering on the AP. If this command is not executed, the laser automatically sends a pulse after receiving a pulse from the remote end. Netzwerksicherheit If this command is not executed, the laser automatically sends a pulse after receiving a pulse from the remote end. startup patch. reset factory-configuration. Value. S7700 V200R023C10 Command Reference. This will delete the configuration in the flash memory. After an AP is configured to obtain an IP address in DHCP mode, the AP serves as the DHCP client. ap-id ap-id. ALS has been enabled on the interface using the als enable command and the restart mode of the laser has been set to manual restart mode using the als restart mode manual command. Restarting an interface during data transmission will cause data frame loss or service interruption. # Clear the next startup configuration file in the storage device and cancel the configuration file used for next startup. If the AP uses PoE power supply, run the undo poe enable and poe enable commands in the interface view of the device providing power to This command functions in the same way as a power recycle operation (power off and then restart the device). 执行该命令后,如果用户不对系统提示信息做响应,则超时后会退回到用户视图,不重新启动。. Format. 注意事项. Hold down the Default button to restart the AP. Enterprise products, solutions & services. card-id. The default time threshold for an AP to restart for self-healing is 24 hours. Support Documentation Switches Campus Switch S7700&S8700&S9700&S12700&S16700 Reference Guides Command Reference The iot-card reboot command resets an IoT card of an AP. Run the hotkey { CTRL_G | CTRL_L | CTRL_O | CTRL_U } command-text command to configure a shortcut key corresponding to a command. When the configuration is complete, you can configure the device to restart at time when few services are running to minimize the impact An AP Can Be Restarted Using Command Lines on a WAC, Restarted Manually After Login, By Holding down the Default Button on the AP or Powering off and then Powering on the AP. Parameter. wired-port-profile (WLAN view) wired-port-profile (AP group view and AP view) This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function After modifying parameters of an interface, run the restart command to make the modification take effect. For details about common reset reasons, see Table 3-25. # Switch the AP6050DN running mode from Fat AP to Fit AP. When multiple APs are selected, use commas (,) to separate AP IDs or use hyphens (-) to indicate continuous AP IDs. < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] wlan Run the display factory-configuration command to display the factory configuration information. < Huawei > system-view [ Huawei] ap-mode-switch fit Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the next startup configuration. Switches. This command, however, cannot display the IP configurations of Layer 2 interfaces. The system software file has been uploaded to the FTP server. The AP Restart page is displayed. You can run the display ip interface brief command to view the following information: IP configurations of all interfaces. Usage Scenario. Produkte. After the reboot command is run, if the current configuration is modified, the system displays a message asking you whether to save the configuration before a restart. Function. You can run this command to check currently-valid AP system names and AP system names that become valid after AP restart. Example # Reset an IoT card on the USB interface of the AP with ID 0. To use the FTP server to switch a Fit AP to Fat AP or cloud AP, run the ap-mode-switch ftp command to switch the system software file of the AP. You must run the reboot command to restart the AP to make the configuration take effect. Continue? (y/n) [n]: y. AC 2 ip: IP address of S12700 and S12700E V200R023C00 Command Reference. Ip Address: IP address. Run the shutdown and undo shutdown commands or run the restart command in the interface view to restart the interface. Run the reboot command to restart the device. Parameter This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related commands. After modifying parameters of an interface, run the shutdown and undo shutdown commands to make the modification take effect. If the configuration file name is unchanged, you do not need to run this command. Disabling an interface during data transmission will cause The iot-card reboot command resets an IoT card of an AP. Run the system-view command to enter the system view. Reboot Active AP Address Info. Produkte und Lösungen. Parameter This command functions in the same way as a power recycle operation (power off and then restart the device). IP configurations of interfaces of the specified type and a specified interface. The system divides commands into levels for management. Command Support. The reboot command restarts the device. If the AP uses PoE power supply, run the undo poe enable and poe enable commands in the interface view of the device providing power to restart Choose Maintenance > AP Maintenance > AP Restart. When the reset reason is displayed as Reset for power off or Reset for others, the value of this parameter is the system startup time rather than the system reset time. After the patch file is specified for next startup, run the display startup command to view the patch file. IP address information that becomes valid after the AP restarts. If this parameter is not specified, all ORUs connected to the specified DAP are restarted. < HUAWEI > reset saved-configuration. Using this method, you can restart an AP that is not online on the AC without logging to the AP. For example, 5,8,10-13,20 indicates the list of APs with IDs 5, 8, 10, 11 If this command is not executed, the laser automatically sends a pulse after receiving a pulse from the remote end. The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to 3. The device administrator can also increase the command level to a larger value to improve device security. < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] wlan The iot-card reboot command resets an IoT card of an AP. iot-card reboot. Run the startup saved-configuration command to specify the next startup configuration file. Example. Unternehmens-Netzwerke. The value is a string of 1 to 255 characters. After going online, the AP sends unicast discovery packets to the AC address to locate the AC. Precautions . Fit AP V200R010C00 Command Reference. After you restore the factory settings of the device, the original configuration file on the device is not deleted. Active AP Address Info: Currently-valid AP addresses. < Huawei > display factory-configuration # vlan 1 # dhcp enable # http secure-server ssl-policy default_policy http secure-server enable http server permit interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 Wlan-Radio 0/0/0 # ssl policy default_policy type server pki-realm default version tls1. The command enables you to restart the device remotely. IoT AP Configuration Commands. Mask: Subnet mask. Reason for a reset. Follow-up Procedure. reboot [ fast] Parameters. Continue ? [y/n]: y Warning: The system will reboot and start in fit mode of V200R010C00. Table 5-1 Description of the display ap-address-info command output. Prerequisites. The value is an integer that ranges from 0 to 7. Running the restart command is equivalent to running the shutdown command and the undo This command functions in the same way as a power recycle operation (power off and then restart the device). Hold down the RESET button to restart the AP. The AP has been configured to go online in static mode using the ap-address mode command. Run the error-down auto-recovery cause down-cause interval interval-value command in the system view to enable an interface to automatically restore to Up state from the Error-Down state. antenna-status. If the AP and AC are connected through a Layer-3 network, the egress gateway for AP routes must be configured. pat as the file name extension and must be saved in the root directory. Reboot Active AP Address Info: AP addresses that become valid after AP restart. Precautions ap-id ap-id. Active AP Address Info. < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] wlan This command functions in the same way as a power recycle operation (power off and then restart the device). The device is reset for other reasons. . [HUAWEI] ap-sysname ap-123456 After modifying parameters of an interface, run the restart command to make the modification take effect. This field contains the AP model and MAC address in format of Huawei This command functions in the same way as a power recycle operation (power off and then restart the device). < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] wlan Fat AP and Cloud AP V200R023C00 Command Reference. Number of a reset. A patch file uses . Reboot active name: AP system names that become valid after AP restart. The DHCP Discover and Request messages sent by the AP carry the Option 12 field by default. oru-id oru-id. How to Use Command Lines. The device configurations will be erased to reconfigure. < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] wlan Fat AP and Cloud AP V200R023C10 Command Reference. Specifies an AP ID. < HUAWEI > system-view [ HUAWEI] ap-mode-switch fat Warning: The system will reboot and start in fat mode of V200R019C00 SPC100. < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] wlan CloudEngine 8800, 7800, 6800, and 5800 V200R005C10 Command Reference This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related commands. # Switch a Fit AP to the Fat mode. If the configuration file specified by configuration-file has the same name with the current configuration file and the default directory is used, running the save configuration-file command is equivalent to running the save command. Precautions Feb 27, 2021 · If the device cannot work properly due to incorrect configurations, you can run the reset factory-configuration command to restart the device and restore the factory settings. You can run this command to clear the BootLoader After modifying parameters of an interface, run the shutdown and undo shutdown commands to make the modification take effect. AP Mode: AP mode. Restarts the ORUs connected to a DAP with a specified ID. It has been confirmed that the file system allows switching between a Fit AP and a Fat AP using the ap-mode-switch check The iot-card reboot command resets an IoT card of an AP. Select the AP that you want to restart from the AP list and click Restart. user-isolate (AP wired port profile view) vlan pvid (AP wired port profile view) vlan (AP wired port profile view) wifi-light. After the commands are edited using the batch-cmd edit command, the system deletes the original commands. All of configurations will restore to factory. Usage Guidelines. Router. About This Document. <AC> system-view [AC] wlan [AC-wlan-view] undo ap blacklist mac 0025-9e07-8280 If the AP is restarted due to the static IP address and cannot go online after the restart, the IP address is incorrectly configured. WLAN. The AP ID must exist. The scheduled restart function becomes invalid when you use the clock datetime command to set the system time to over 10 minutes later than the restart time set by the schedule reboot command. Item Description; Active name: Currently-valid AP system names. < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] wlan You can run the ap-address mode command to change the mode in which an AP goes online. Continue? [y/n]: y. When the system needs to roll back to the backup system software, you can run the startup system-softwarebackup command to specify the backup system software as the next startup system software and restart the device to complete the rollback. AC 1 ip: IP address of AC1. The system supports four user-defined shortcut keys and the default values are as follows: Ctrl+G: display current-configuration. AC 0 ip: IP address of AC0. [HUAWEI] ap-sysname ap-123456 If the device in use is applied to another scenario and the original configuration file of the device does not meet requirements in the scenario, run the reset saved-configuration command to clear the existing configuration file and restart the device to restore its factory configurations. Specifies the IoT card interface number. Huawei Cloud. This field contains the AP model and MAC address in format of Huawei AP-AP model-AP MAC address, for example, Huawei AP-AP5030DN-dc:d2:fc:f6:76:a0 . < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] wlan Example. Press Enter to complete each command when editing them. After the reboot This command functions in the same way as a power recycle operation (power off and then restart the device). < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] wlan Login My Huawei Logout Enterprise. user-interface vty screen-length. After using the schedule reboot command to configure a scheduled restart, you can use this command to view the configuration of the scheduled restart. AP Mode. In the Confirm dialog box that is displayed, click OK to restart the AP. Example # Display the configuration of the scheduled restart of the device. Description. Parameter Run the undo ap blacklist mac ap-mac command to delete a specified AP in the AP blacklist. Gateway: Default gateway. This command functions in the same way as a power recycle operation (power off and then restart the device). 2 ciphersuite rsa_aes_128 The ap-keep-online self-healing-reset command configures the time threshold for an AP to restart for self-healing. To restart all the APs in the AP list, click Restart All. Currently valid IP address information about the AP. For descriptions about the AP parameters, see Table 7-30. Restarts the ORU with a specified ID. reboot. You can run the ap-address static ac-list command to configure the AC list on an AP. Resets the AP with the specified AP ID. After you edit all the commands, press Ctrl+Z to exit the editing state and return to the user view. To make the patch file take effect after the device restarts, run this command to specify the patch file for next startup. ap ap-id ap-id. The iot-card reboot command resets an IoT card of an AP. If you use this command to specify another patch for next startup, the previous patch will be overridden. Ip Version: Version of the TCP/IP protocol. After recovering the configuration file, you must restart the device to make the file take effect. After modifying parameters of an interface, run the restart command to make the modification take effect. Continue? (y/n) [n]: y Clear the configuration in the device Run the reboot command to restart the device. Restart the device at scheduled time: The device can be restarted at a specified time later. The device administrator can change a command level as required so that a lower-level user can use certain high-level commands. Precautions. Fat AP and Cloud AP V200R022C10 Command Reference. Format This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related commands. If the time difference is equal to or less than ten minutes, the device immediately restarts and does not save the configuration. ut hf tz ny bu hp kg hz yo wm